Sex Worker Resources

Learn about community centres and programs that support and advocate for sex workers.

Note: This article is not a replacement for professional medical or clinical advice. We cannot provide official referrals for resources that require documented referrals from licensed service providers to access. Some resources on this website do include referral services from licensed professionals.

WISH Drop-in Centre and Society

  • Drop-in centre provides welcoming, non-judgemental space that serves all women (trans and cis) who are current or former sex workers.
  • Centre provides access to meal services, showers, and donated items (e.g. clothing, hygiene and first aid products, toiletries), along with a nurse practitioner, harm reduction supplies, safety information, and space to relax.
  • Languages: English
  • Website:

SWAN Vancouver (Supporting Women's Alternatives Network)

  • Provides support and advocacy for im/migrant women engaged in indoor sex work. Independent from government, law enforcement, and faith-based groups.
  • Website:

When and how can I access these resources?

  • Phone and email contact available in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin.
  • Phone: 778-865-6343 (English) or 778-865-6343 (Cantonese, Mandarin)
  • WeChat: swannetreach
  • Email:

How do I ask for help in my language, and what can I expect?

  1. When you contact SWAN, you may write or speak in your language.
  2. If the person you contact may already write or speak your language, you may continue to use your language to access the resources you need.
  3. If the person you contact does not write or speak your language, you will wait while the person on the line or email searches for an available service provider who does.
  4. If nobody who writes or speaks your language is available, they may provide options for contacting them at a later time.

PACE Society

  • One-on-one emotional support, safety planning, medical accompaniments, and advocacy for current and former sex workers of all genders.
  • Drop-in centre provides access to computers, television, harm reduction supplies, and donated items (e.g. clothing, hygiene products)
  • Website:

When and how can I access these resources?

  • Drop-in centre open Monday - Thursday, 10:30am-4:30pm
  • Phone: 604-872-7651
  • Email:
  • Address: 148 W. Hastings St. (Vancouver BC)