What We're Doing

Our website is constantly updated to reflect the most recent information regarding COVID-19 for our communities. Our priority is to ensure that our community members are aware and informed as the health emergency evolves in British Columbia.

We have a dedicated team that is monitoring and responding to both 1) resources and 2) disinformation that is currently available online and offline.

We work to:

  1. Internally archive resources and disinformation

  2. Sort and compile credible knowledge in response to disinformation

  3. Share key information and summarized resources online.

All content on our site is aggregated from credible sources such as federal, provincial, and regional government organizations that have either been published  in a translated format, or was translated from English by members of this collaborative. 

With our community partners and members, we have a wide group of contributors that have helped us along the way. We hope to mobilize our members to fill the gaps in information and accessibility that are currently present, in order to best serve Canadians during this disinformation crisis.

Beyond our digital platform, we also create print resources for seniors and community members who may not be able to access our site. We are thankful for our hardworking community partners, that enable us to share correct information through posters and pamphlets to the broader community.